March 2024 Tea Cups & Tea Pots Bullet Journal Theme
It’s no secret that I love a cup of tea - but I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to try a tea theme in my bullet journal! I’m still on my painting challenge, so I took on some watercolour teapots and tea cups, mixed with some sweet washi tape and sticker accents, and I’m so happy with the result. Let’s plan!

January Paris Bullet Journal Theme | Giveaway Journal
Ooh la la! January marks one year since I embarked on my big Europe trip, and one of the highlights was Paris - so it felt like the natural choice to set up this sweet and adorable Paris-themed January in the giveaway journal, using Hubman & Chubgirl’s adorable Paris bundle!

August sweet dessert bujo theme - pink and brown
Sometimes a whole theme can be inspired by a tiny thing! WhenI laid eyes on these dessert stickers I HAD to use them right away! My entire August theme was planned around them, from the colours and the style to the functional layouts to make sure I could show them off!

June Bullet Journal Plan With Me: Pink and Blue Bujo
June is nearly here and this will be the last month in my first journal for 2022! And so we have this cute, collaged blue and pink bullet journal theme full of patterns!

April 2021 - Spring Blooms Bujo Theme
Inspired by Spring on the other side of the world, April for me is all about sweet little blooms sprouting from my layout elements. These doodles are SO easy to draw!