April 2021 - Spring Blooms Bujo Theme
Inspired by Spring on the other side of the world, April for me is all about sweet little blooms sprouting from my layout elements. These doodles are SO easy to draw - I demonstrate in the video below if you’d like to learn!
I’m usually completely team Faber Castell Pitt artist brush pens, but I was in Officeworks and saw these lavender and marigold Tombow dual brush pens beside each other - and positively fell in love! I already had the green, and suddenly this layout sprang to life in my mind’s eye.
Spring into my April Spreads
Pages and Spreads in this Layout:
April cover page - these doodles work well when they’re springing out from behind a design element, so I’ve added lines above and below my April text to give them somewhere to spring from!
Calendar page - I wanted a single page calendar, but I wasn’t sold on my January vertical calendar set up so I’ve oriented the calendar sideways. I need to turn my book to use it but I don’t mind at all!
Gratitude log - the past few months I’ve used condensed gratitude logs, but this month I want space for a whole sentence for each day. I’m not in love with my alternating highlight, it’s a little overwhelming - I think it could have worked better with less saturated versions of these colours, or just one colour and then blank space in the alternate days.
Habit tracker - I’ve kept the same premise as previous months for my habit tracker, but turned it sideways - this way it has space for nine habits, but still looks very spacious and minimal. One little sprout from each of my three doodle varieties in the top left corner tie the layout together to keep things cohesive!
Goals page - I’ve left my goals area blank, but I like to categorise it once I get it going! Separate goals for my work and my personal life keep me moving forward - even if only a little.
Expense tracker - every cent I spend in the month, I’ll write down here. I used to stretch these over two pages, but I’ve condensed it down to two tables on a single page. On the last day of each month I tally up the total spent across each category, and transfer it back into my overall 2021 spending tracker at the start of my book.
Sleep tracker - I loved tracking my sleeping habits in March, so I’m bringing the same layout forward into April. I’m not sure if it was as motivating to change my habits as I hoped, but it certainly helped make me more aware of them!
Weekly spreads - This four-boxes-to-a-page layout is one of my go-to weeklies - I already used it in January and it’s back! I usually like to keep whole weeks - Monday to Sunday - together, but I missed a few in my March set up so the first four days of April (Thursday to Sunday) are filling in the page opposite the sleep tracker. I haven’t photographed the subsequent pages because they all look the same as this one - just imagine it over both sides of the spread!
Bujo Supplies I Used
I’m using a Notebook Therapy Pastel edition Tsuki bullet journal in Mint Matcha for my 2021 journal (at least for the first half of the year)
The bold black lines and heading lettering was done with the not-brush end of the black Tombow dual brush pen*
The three Tombow dual brush pens: *623 (lavender), *991 (light ochre) and *192 (asparagus).
I’ve used a Sharpie pen* for all my fineliner needs in this layout!
My notebook cover is from Mimco, but is sadly no longer available.
*starred items are affiliate links
Keen on this layout but don’t know where to start?
You can grab it as a printable on my Etsy store! You can use it in any month in any year, not just April 2021. Just purchase, print, trim, stick in your journal, fill out the numbers for the month you need and you’re ready to get planning.