August Reading Journal - A Cosy Theme Fit for Hobbits

I’ve seen so many wonderful monthly reading journal setups lately, I had to try it for myself! Here’s my first ever monthly reading journal setup, for August 2023. It’s short and sweet, since I’m still figuring out what might work for me. Check out the video below to watch it happen, or scroll down for photos and item links!

Cover Page & Tracker Page

I’ll take any excuse for a cover page - I just enjoy them so much! This one has turned out very Hobbit-feeling, and I’m loving it - it’s so cosy and soft.
The stats page and pages read tracker is something I’ve always shied away from in the past, but since I worked out that Goodreads/Storygraph/the Kindle App tracks this stuff for me I’m excited to give it a go. The worst that could happen is that I don’t like it, and I don’t do it again.

Might Read Next & Blank (But Decorated)

I hate the term “to be read” - it feels like way too much pressure to me. I called my overall reading list “maybe next” in the spreads at the beginning of the year for my reading journal, and for this August-specific version I’m calling it “might read next”. I like the idea that I can prioritise some books but also leave it open to myself NOT to read them!
The blank page on the right is for anything I read over the course of the month that wasn’t on my “might read next “ list. I’ll try to remember to post a flip-through at the end of August or early September so you can see how this spread worked out!

“Literary Ladies” Book Club Page

My book club meetings and reads are something I really look forward to, so I thought I’d give our next read a special, dedicated page! I’m not sure how I’ll use it yet, so I’ve left it pretty open to allow myself plenty of flexibility.


Review: Lace & Whimsy Studios Whimsymail Sticker Subscription + More!


August Bullet Journal Storybook Fantasy Theme