April 2024 Pirate Bullet Journal Theme - Giveaway Journal

Shiver me timbers, it’s hard to find pirate themed stationery! As soon as I got the adorable STICKII Haunted Seas sticker sheet I knew I wanted to put together a pirate themed layout, but it was tricky finding pieces to use with those stickers! After sourcing map fragments, books, scrolls and bottles, I was ready to tackle the high seas with this sweet little vintage nautical setup - which is only as piratey as you make it.

Watch the video to see it all come together, or scroll on for photos!

Cover Spread

I love an adventurous pirate movie, but I know pirates in the real world weren’t exactly something to aspire to. Because of that, I wanted to keep this layout firmly on the side of “vintage nautical” with a few piratey allusions. Script-textured washi tape, these incredible “burned edge” style map fragments and some glittery jewelled PET strips brought this whole look together. My cover pages always half introducing the theme, and half testing out how it all looks together!

Calendar Page & Monthly Snapshot Page

I was working with lots of large stickers for this setup - the bottles and scrolls were not something I wanted to cut down to fit in the space I had to work with. Lucky for me, their white backgrounds meant they’d stand out beautifully layered over my map washi and scrapbook papers!

I’ve used Archer & Olive Calliograph pens for all my brush pen needs throughout this setup, which I got with A&O subscription boxes throughout 2023. Unfortunately they don’t sell these separately, but never fear - I’ll link to some similar Tombows near the end of this post!

Tracker Spread - Habits, Mood & Sleep Tracking

This might be my FAVOURITE mood tracker I’ve ever done. It’s a treasure map! The days of the month follow the dotted line around the map, and each day the journal winner can track their mood using the doodles below the map - the anchor, tree, flag etc. I bet it looks SO cute all filled in!

Because the mood tracker needed a lot of space to thrive, I’ve kept things small and minimal for the other two trackers this month.

Meal Planner & Spending Log

The utilitarian planning pair - these two pages go hand in hand. If you’re planning your meals and cooking at home, you’re likely to be saving money too! I made sure the Meal Planner calendar boxes are all four spaces tall, so they have enough room to plan for breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack each day.

Spare Spread

Since this journal’s not for me, I always like to include a spread that’s decorated but blank. This way the winner can add any other trackers, information or fun things I didn’t include that they may need. And if they don’t need to add anything else, hopefully they’ll have some fun with it - for May memory keeping, or just a fun quote page or junk journaling spread!

Weekly Spreads

It’s always such a challenge coming up with different weekly spreads to set up back to back! This month I’ve included two variations on an eight box weekly, a vertical column weekly and a horizontal weekly. I love changing up the weekly layouts like this, so the journal winner never gets board but also gets to learn what sorts of layouts they love using!

Everything I Used to Make This:


April 2024 Painted Sunsets with Dragons Bullet Journal Theme


March Reading Journal Spreads & What I Read in February